Error Sivaller API FAT description


For retreive a corresponding Windows error assigned from ErrorParam Fat , please use API function 'fFATS_Error2WinError'

DWORD _stdcall fFATS_Error2WinError(void* HRUNTIME,DWORD _errorparam);


Generic Error
Error code hexadecimal - >From Error code hexadecimal - >To  
10000000 1ffffffff Error reading sector with *Errorwindows
20000000 2ffffffff Error writting sector with *Errorwindows
c0000000 cffffffff Function forbidden by your license


Detail erorr

Error code in hexadecimal Signification
e0000001-e0000003 *NC
e0000004 Failure WriteSector
e0000005 Failure ReadSector
e0000006 Passing invalid parameter
e000000a Tag is too big size
e000000b Handle license passed is invalid
e000000d-e000000e *NC
e000000c Module fat is not initialized
e000000d Opening/formating fat with key encipher is not implemented for this version
d0000002-0xd0000009 Fat data corrupted
d000000a End of file
d000000b Disk full
d000000c Failure allocation
d000000e Directory is not empty
d000000f The filename is not directory
d0000010 Path not found
d0000011 End of file
d0000012 File not found
d0000013 Path not found
d0000014 *NC
d0000015 Path empty
d0000016 Path not empty
d0000017 Opening fat with incorrect OEM boot
d0000018 File system invalid
d0000019 *NC
d0000020 Directory already exists
d0000021 *NC
d0000022 Flag allowwrite is not specefied for write function
d0000023 Opening fat require a later version of fat service
d0000024 File already exists
d0000025 *NC
d0000026 Invalid parameter
d0000027 Limit recursion reached,please modify parameter opening fat
d0000028 Maximum file reached ,please modify parameter opening fat
d0000029 Fat don't allow directory,please modify parameter opening fat
d000002a-d000002b Fat corrupted
d000002c *NC
d000002d Internal fat not reconized by vfat module
d0000030-d0000033 Fat corrupted
d0000034 No more free tag for this file
d0000035 Incorrect password
d0000036-d0000037 Fat corrupted
d0000038 *NC
d0000039 Tag is not exists for this file
d000003a File is read-only
d000003b No more file
d000003c Directory is not allowed please verifiy parameter opening fat
d000003d Fat corrupted
d000003e Boot locked
d0000040 Filename is directory
d0000041 Filename is not directory
c0000002 Type fat is not allowed by your license
c0000003 Number file reached  limit imposed by your license
c0000004 Directory is not allowed by your license
c0000005 Size fat reached the limit imposed by your license
c0000006 Showing filetime is not allowe dby your license
c0000007 Number recursion reached by limit imposed by your license
c0000008 Number file by directory reached by limit imposed by your license
c0000009 Opening fat as TrueVector instead imagefile is denied by your license
c000000a 'Extra1' function is not allowed
c000000b Fat type is not allowed by your license
c000000c 'Format function' is not allowed by your license
c000000d Access offset data file reached by limit from your license
c000000e Multiple Opening file is not specified , please verify parameter OR

Multiple Opening file is not allowed by your license

c000000f Number file opened reached by limit of your license
c0000010 Encipher fiunction is not allowed by your license
c0000011 Multiple handle file is not allowed by your license
c0000012 Flag FATS_FL_SHOWTIME is not specified or is not allowed by your license
c0000013 Opening fat is not allowed by your license
c0000014 Write function fat is not allowed by your license

*Errorwindows= GetLastError

*NC=No communicated