Utility for storage database license and centralize them, usefull for storage Sivaller's License

Required for the Sivaller's product putted online from a 3 december 2012.

Technology :

Support format .ELS .PLS
Storage a licence
Support embedded a digital license
Exportation / Importation of licence
Exportation of licence into Header file C (*.h) et Header file Delphi (*.inc) for include a digital license and child digital licensen into's application using Sivaller's API
Exportation of licence to binary file  : Digital license and child digital license.
Disabled / enabled of license
Pseudo-locking license
Protection by password about importation a license.
Utility els.exe

Supplement :

You can store its own license ELS , PLS format for a basic protection of lambda application 

Disadvantage  :

Incompatible for microsoft certificat storage
Only compatible with the format .ELS ,.PLS Generated by utility els.exe

Downloading  :

Lastest version (Recommanded)


Version Miror changelog
0.1 here


0.2 here Crash if left click in right corner windows


Access denied if ELS ,PLS file loaded since Microsoft Internet Explorer

0.3 here CS Export

Export from ELS file

Get SMBIOS Machine

0.4 here Get SMBIOS By SMM Service

Support development opening certificat store for future signing Sivaller module

0.5 here Resize column

Replace bug "type data" by icon

0.6 here Add menu "Update license ..." which goto website license sivaller
0.7 here Mem Marshal during refresh menu
WARNING THE VERSION 0.X and 1.x are not maintened ,please download version 2.x



Version Mirror changelog
1.01 here

Interface TAB

Possible storage license for all user.

1.1 here Mem marshal for refresh menu (certificats,internal license)

Marshal time  Up/Down for every license

Bug association extension file ELS,PLS during installation

1.2 here Interface openlicense for multiple-license

Guid empty admis pour grisé l'option "Remember me"

1.3 here CRITICAL BUG : Freeze open utility when internet connected and sivaller internal website unreached

CRITICAL BUG : Freeze opening license by lms when internet connected and sivaller internal website unreached

1.4 here N.C



Version Mirror changelog
2.0 here

Support external license

Possibility store license since ELS file located in media

2.1 here Minor bug

Bug for replacement external license

Order tab bug


2.2 here Minor bug




Version Mirror Changelog
3.0 Here

Automatic update license (Only updatable license)

Major critical bug critique on using network license on AMD64 platform

3.1 Here Freezing a every circonstance of loading license by license manager

For storage microsoft certificat please use utility (certmgr.exe) provided by Microsoft Windows.